Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The things I See On the Train

So I'm subject to public transportation since having relocated to NYC. It has truly been quite the experience thus far!!! I come across a plethora of folk--rich folk, poor folk, white folk, black folk, quiet folk, loud folk--the list is endless. Given my observant nature, I couldn't but help make interesting observations to mention in my blog.

Firstly, during my early morning commute, everyone sleeps on the train! My uncle warns me about succumbing myself to harm by falling asleep but waking so early, I just can't help but catch a few zzzs. There's nothing particularly cool about sleeping in public but if everyone's doing it, why not?! Every minute counts and often I arrive at the office feeling refreshed solely due to my naps on the train.

Secondly, no one wears wedding rings! When I'm not sleeping I'm people watching. Like a true fake detective, I look at everyone head to toe that falls within my line of vision. And I must say that I seldom see wedding bands on those passing hands. I'm not talking about young folk but the older, middle-aged ones. It leads me to associate NYC with unmarried people lol. Makes me wanna get the hell outta here! Lol I wanna get married and look forward to wearing my wedding band when that time presents itself.

Thirdly, while I considered myself to be more chivalrous than the average guy and loathe when I hear women exclaim "chivalry is dead!", I seldom see gentlemen-like manners on the trains. Rarely do I see men give their seats for some as I saw much more frequently during my days in Philly. I won't lie---I'm sometimes too engaged in my people watching or sleeping to notice a women standing nearby unless of course she's elderly or pregnant.

Last but not least, the Apple iPhone seems to be the choice of the people. While I am an iPhone user, I don't engage in the never-ending debate of Apple vs. Android. But that doesn't help me wonder why there are so many iPhone users who ride public transportation? Everyone has an iPhone! The poor, the rich, the black, the white, (I'm beginning to sound like a Dr. Seuss book), everyone!!!

Clearly I'm bored as I write this entry. It just so happens that my train was delayed due to track issues. So a 40 minute train ride became an hour and a half excision through the dirty NY subterranean abyss. I just got off. Until next time!


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Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Waiting Game

Occasionally I hear the phrase "I'm waiting on God", whether spoken from a friend or uttered from my own lips. As I lay hear in bed I couldn't help but think to myself, 'are we truly waiting on God or could it be that He's waiting on us?'

Now I can't speak for everyone so I'll speak for myself--it is very much possible that God is waiting on me and not I waiting on Him. I'm just thinking of a few situations where I've uttered those words. "When will I go back to school?" "I'm just waiting on God." "When will you get married?" Again "I'm just waiting on God." "When will you do (fill in the blank)?" Yet again I respond in the same manner. It almost becomes a monotonous, redundant answer that's devoid of any accountability or action on my part. The worst part is when I actually believe that I'm waiting on God. This evening it occurred to me that I need be more of a doer and less of an alleged "waiter". It's very much possible that He's waiting on a host of actions on my part--actions that precede anything or everything I'm expecting of Him.

Jesus, even in his waiting to be glorified, executed a great deal and instructed the disciples (and us) to do the same. When he and the disciples were at sea and he lay asleep inside the boat as wind and crashing waves had the disciples worried, Jesus was awaken and He merely spoke to the storm and it calmed (Mark 4:35-41). He exhorted his disciples and pointed out their lack of faith. They waited on Him to act. They were "waiting on God."

The Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please God. Could it be that in all of my waiting, I could be bringing displeasure to my Lord? That rather than He act on His own time, He's frustrated with my level of faith or lack thereof, wanting me to do the very thing I'm waiting on him to perform? I remember at the last Bible Study I facilitated at my former church, I mentioned this same passage. I recall saying that I'm tired of waking Jesus out of his slumber, asking Him to do things He's already charged me to do! Gratefully He's patient and hasn't backhanded me just yet! Lol

I think I'm going to try to minimize (if not eliminate) the statement "I'm waiting on God" from my regular speech. I'll take ownership of things I believe He's charged to me. You who's reading this may be waiting on me for something and perhaps it's has you saying the same thing--"Im waiting on Dave." By all means do let me know as I'd hate to have folks waiting on me for things. It's about I ditch this waiting game for the game of executioners! Care to join me?!?

-DJL aka General Maximus

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

My Cousin Tyane

So my cousin caught the blogging bug and saw fit to write the following post. Do know that she's writing from my perspective lol. Enjoy!

Today I am relaxing with my little cousin.I live with her in New York as I previously said in other blogs.She usually bugs me but is hilarious.My cousin's name is Tyane. Tyane tells me she is a drama queen.She won the spelling bee in her school but went to a different one and sadly lost on the word hammock which she spelled h-a-m-i-c.
Tyane is a cool 10 year old who loves to be a creeper. She calls me "Dave the simple going guy" and believes I am a young grasshopper. I call Tyane"Tyane the cool creeper and I think she is a young grasshopper as well.She loves a boy band named one direction. Whenever I do conference calls for work and I tell Tyane it's with U.K men she immediately asks if I can ask them for tickets to one direction concerts. Tyane and her best friend make funny faces to creep me out. Tyane and her best friend make items out of duct tape.
Tyane and I love to bake cookies and I like to tease her and eat it on her old Dora the explorer plate and use her old matching cup. Also I help her with her homework, mostly her projects. She claims she doesn't like one her classmates because his projects come out better than hers and his parents do most of the work.
In conclusion, Tyane is spectacular and makes me smile everyday.She makes my stay here better every day and she is the best cousin ever.Like A Boss!!!!!😃😃😝😝😛😝😜😜😃😃😉😉☺️☺️😊😊✌️✌️👍👍

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

First Day Anxiety

Tomorrow I start my first day officially employed as an analyst at KQ Freeman Run. (You didn't really think I would name my firm now would you?). Grant it, I've been working at KQFR since March of last year and only recently transferred to the NJ office but as a temp. While my role and responsibilities won't change significantly (if at all), my life has changed dramatically. Firstly I've left my parents' home, left my home church of 23 years, and left the best group of friends ever for the big city, New York City that is. Currently, I reside with my uncle, his wife and daughter and having left my family it sure helps to be in a family setting as I transition into independence.

In the next couple of months, I hope to have secured my "bachelor pad." I've been scouring Craigslist to see what my money could get me--needless to say that even with the new salary I'll still be living modestly lol. I'm vacillating between a studio or a one bedroom apartment but we'll see. It's a stressful process but I'm going to trust God in that my steps are ordered and that even includes where I lay my head at night.

Again, this new job has pulled me from Philly to NYC, out of my old church and now into a new one. I can truly say I'm blessed there and enjoy the teachings and inspirations it receive on a weekly basis. I'm learning so much and it's been but 6 weeks!!! To Him be all glory, honor, and praise. Amen.

With the new role comes new money and the ability to do new things in an amazing city. There are so many things I want to do--martial arts, French lessons, attend concerts and other forms of the arts. The list is endless! I just got to find folk to join me lol. The job also comes with 3 weeks of paid time off so I look forward to traveling this year. My prior roles were all temporary/contracts. In the event I didn't work, I didn't get paid so taking time off wasn't much of an option.

Equally important with this new role is the ability to begin planning for family life. On previous salaries I couldn't possibly consider getting married, let alone having a girlfriend (they cost money! Lol).

The list can go on and on but I'll stop it there. While some folks may be led to see a job as merely a paycheck, mine affords me so much more. I'm grateful for the opportunities granted to me by God. I'm sure that He'll continue blessing me!

Off to bed I go--I've got a big first day tomorrow!

-Dave aka General Maximus

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

"Sometimes being alone....Ain't always wrong"

Can I be frank?

I'm lonely. I'm alone. I'm uncertain as to which of those statements sounds less desperate but I'm definitely not that! I just find myself in an interesting point in life where I'm not surrounded by the slew of friends and familiar (root word being family) faces that make it that I never feel alone (or lonely). I guess it's part of growing up. Folks who truly know me know me (that sounds weird saying know me 2x) to always be around friends or communicating with them via cellular device and/or social media. Having left the city of brotherly love for the city that never sleeps, I'm quite a way's travel to my friends, the best group of friends a young man could ask for might I add! Couple that with the fact that I'm no longer the social butterfly whose wings fluttered so elegantly, I think I've transitioned out of that phase of life. Who would've thought? My parents occasionally voiced their concerns that I was too involved with friends and would miss out on great life opportunities for the sake of my social life. I can't comment on their concerns but I certainly attest to the sheer social exhaustion that occasionally overtakes me now and the problems that it dealt me, particularly with members of the opposite sex. I'm certainly not the kid I was a few years back, I can bet you that much.

Nowadays I find myself marching to the drum of my own beat and I love its sounds if I do say so myself!!! As I march, I'm finding that I'm transitioning out from Social Dave, everybody's BFF Dave to just Dave and at the appropriate time, relationship Dave to Married Dave and then Married...with Children! Lol. Honestly, I'm welcoming those new titles with open arms, trusting it's the will of God. I think I've transitioned quite well from the young lad who once was insecure, uncertain of himself and incapable of committing to anything or anyone. While that was certainly a painful time for myself and other parties, I think that it was necessary for growth and achievement and I'm loving the man I'm becoming more and more!

As I continue to transition from the former Dave, I humbly await her arrival. Who is she? I cannot say. I can speculate but what purpose would that serve? And because I wait for her, I cannot remain the as the former Dave, the socialite. I received a lot of criticism for having too many lady friends regardless of how innocent they were. I'm also finding that women in my age bracket are waiting for "him" and nobody's really interested in "just chillin" or being friends. Those things are officially overrated to me lol. With that said, I seldom reach out to my single friends of the opposite sex. Don't take it personal but I don't want to "test" or casually date. My few attempts failed miserably and God keeps reminding me (whether in my spirit man or through His messengers) that I'm not cut for the dating game so I'll humbly bow out, sit tight and wait for her. In the interim, I'll embrace my singleness in ministry, professional endeavors and other self-cultivating activities (i.e. attaining financial stability, hobbies, learning to cook, etc.)

I'll be fine. God is with me, molding me as He sees fit. And when He thinks that I'm lonely, He'll send her, that I'm certain. Until then, "sometimes being alone ain't always wrong."


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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

On the Cusp of Turning 27

I turn 27 tomorrow God willing. While I'm doubtful that I'll experience something dramatic overnight that'll make me feel or know that I've turned 27, I'm excited nonetheless at what the new year will bring. I tell most folk that after turning 25 life took a steady pace, one in which I was more cognizant of my environment and gauge my maturity from my youthful ways and thought. My 26th year was quite eventful as well (see blog "This is a New Year for love, Love in the Future"). The wonderful thing about having a birthday so close to the new year is that rather than joining the rest of the world in declaring a New Years resolution, I can simply make declarations in my 27th year. So this year I've got a few things on my agenda and I figured I'd mention them here to keep me honest and you informed as well. Do understand that these are in no particular order. I had originally intended to try and amass 27 goals but that's a far stretch lol.
  • Get my own place. 
  • Learn to cook meals other than breakfast lol.
  • Join a gym or fitness center of some sort out here in NYC. The kid has put on a few pounds smh. 
  • Be consistent in my tithes and offerings to God. 
  • Open a 401K and make the highest contribution possible.
    Go to professional sports game. I've never done that in my 26 years. 
  • Become a better Bible student. 
  • Learn to really play bass. Yes I know this has been on my list forever lol. 
  • Visit Haiti. 
  • Visit another country. 
  • Attend an opera or show on Broadway. 
  • Walk across one of NY's bridges. 
  • Be baptized in the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of speaking in heavenly tongues. 
  • Visit a few museums. 
  • Step up my wardrobe (once the pounds are shed of course). 
  • Enter in a relationship with the woman who's to be my wife. Yea that's a big one y'all lol. 
  • Visit my bro in Cali. 
  • Read and blog more. I've been taught since grade school that in order to be a better writer one must be well read. 

That's all I've got for now folks! Gotta brace myself to undertake these things with the understanding that I can only do so by God's grace as I'm not guaranteed tomorrow. To Him be all glory, honor and praise forever. Amen.

-General Maximus

Monday, January 6, 2014

"Measure Twice. Cut Once."

A phrase often used by contractors as a guideline for carpentry. It works to minimize risk error when ting sheet rock, piping, wood blocks, etc. I'm no carpenter but I think I need to apply this same philosophy to my own life. Too often have I miscalculated some of my own actions and like a carpenter who improperly cuts material, I'm left with pointless pieces or the need to get more material, incurring further expenses.

I need to think more like a carpenter. While I do believe everything happens for a reason and that God has orchestrated the details of my life, I tend to make careless mistakes that leave me frustrated, borderline depressed and sometimes heartbroken. How much of these could I have spared myself or those around me?!

(Repeats to self) "Measure twice. Cut once. Measure twice. Cut once. Measure twice. Cut once."

By George I think he's got it!!!

(F train whisks into the subterranean abyss.)